Thursday, June 22, 2017

PHP questionnaire for Web Develoepr

Welcome to the questionnaire of  PHP for Web Developer.

This quiz includes 38 questions on PHP, JS, SQL, CSS. Each question has one or more answers.
Be very attentive.


1.1 What abbreviation is responsible for code style guides?
1.1.1 PEAR
1.1.2 PSR
1.1.3 PHP
1.1.4 none of them

1.2 Which variables contain arguments from command line when you run PHP script from console?
1.2.1 $arguments
1.2.2 $argv
1.2.3 $_GET
1.2.4 $_SERVER
1.2.5 none of them

1.3 Which types are scalar in PHP?
1.3.1 float
1.3.2 null
1.3.3 object
1.3.4 array
1.3.5 none of them

1.4 Which operators used to compare two values that are not equal without automatic type conversion?
1.4.1 <=>
1.4.2 !=
1.4.3 <>
1.4.4 !==
1.4.5 =!
1.4.6 none of them

1.5 What we get after conversion string "e123x" to integer?
1.5.1 ex
1.5.2 123
1.5.3 e
1.5.4 false
1.5.5 0
1.5.6 none of them

1.6 Which functions can find substring in string?
1.6.1 ucwords
1.6.2 parse_str
1.6.3 strstr
1.6.4 substr
1.6.5 strpos
1.6.6 array_search
1.6.7 none of them

1.7 Which functions delete all duplicates from array?
1.7.1 array_intersect
1.7.2 array_unique
1.7.3 array_filter
1.7.4 array_replace
1.7.5 unset
1.7.6 none of them

1.8 Which code add new elements to array `$arr`?
1.8.1 array_push($arr, 'banana');
1.8.2 array_fill($arr, 'banana');
1.8.3 $arr[] = 'banana';
1.8.4 $arr = $arr + ['banana'];
1.8.5 none of them

1.9 When an object is sent by argument to function then it ...
1.9.1 will be copied
1.9.2 will be cloned
1.9.3 passed by reference
1.9.4 passed by value
1.9.5 none of them

1.10 The pseudo-variable `$this` in class is reference to ...
1.10.1 non-static method in which it used
1.10.2 static method in which it used
1.10.3 class in which it used
1.10.4 object in which it used
1.10.5 none of them

1.11 Which keyword used to deny access from global scope and inheriting classes but can be accessed within the class itself?
1.11.1 private
1.11.2 protected
1.11.3 public
1.11.4 static
1.11.5 hidden
1.11.6 none of them

1.12 Which magic methods called when we want to check existence of property which is inaccessible?
1.12.1 __get()
1.12.2 __set()
1.12.3 __isset()
1.12.4 __empty()
1.12.5 __alakazam()
1.12.6 none of them

1.13 The special keywords `self` is used to access to ...
1.13.1 same as `$this`
1.13.2 static methods, properties and constants
1.13.3 parent class
1.13.4 non-static methods from current class
1.13.5 none of them

1.14 Which keyword can be used to reference the called class in a context of static inheritance?
1.14.1 $this
1.14.2 self
1.14.3 static
1.14.4 parent
1.14.5 __CLASS__
1.14.6 none of them

1.15 Does PHP support multiple inheritance ?
1.15.1 yes
1.15.2 yes but with extension
1.15.3 no
1.15.4 no. traits used for it
1.15.5 depend on moon phase
1.15.6 none of them

2 SQL and MySQL

2.1 SQL is ... language
2.1.1 object-oriented
2.1.2 functional
2.1.3 declarative
2.1.4 imperative
2.1.5 none of them

2.2 Which SQL statement is used to extract data from a database?
2.2.1 GET
2.2.3 SELECT
2.2.4 OPEN
2.2.5 none of them

2.3 Which SQL statement delete all data from database?
2.3.1 REMOVE
2.3.2 DELETE
2.3.4 none of them

2.4 With SQL, how do you select all the columns from a table named "Persons"?
2.4.1 SELECT * FROM Persons
2.4.2 SELECT Persons.* FROM Persons
2.4.3 SELECT [all] FROM Persons
2.4.4 SELECT *.Persons
2.4.5 none of them

2.5 With SQL, how can you insert "foo" as the "LastName" in the "Persons" table?
2.5.1 INSERT INTO Persons (LastName) VALUES ('foo')
2.5.2 INSERT ('foo') INTO Persons (LastName)
2.5.3 INSERT INTO Persons ('foo') INTO LastName
2.5.4 INSERT INTO Persons SET LastName='foo'
2.5.5 none of them

2.6 Which operator is used to select values within a range?
2.6.1 RANGE
2.6.3 WITHIN
2.6.4 LIMIT
2.6.5 none of them 

2.7 Which SQL query in MySQL will return all of the records in the right table (table B) that do not match any records in the left table (table A).?
2.7.1 SELECT * FROM Table_A A JOIN Table_B B ON A.Key = B.Key WHERE A.Key IS
2.7.3 SELECT * FROM Table_A A RIGHT JOIN Table_B B ON A.Key = B.Key WHERE A.Key
2.7.4 SELECT * FROM Table_A A INNER JOIN Table_B B ON A.Key = B.Key;
2.7.6 none of them
2.8.5 none of them

3 JavaScript and jQuery

3.1 Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?
3.1.1 <script>
3.1.2 <javascript>
3.1.3 <js>
3.1.4 <scripting>
3.1.5 none of them

3.2 Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?
3.2.1 in the beginning <head>
3.2.2 in the bottom of <head>
3.2.3 in the beginning <body>
3.2.4 in the bottom of <body>
3.2.5 in the beginning of <html>
3.2.6 none of them

3.3 Which code will call function `myfunc`?
3.3.1 myfunc('log')
3.3.2, 'log')
3.3.3 myfunc.apply(null, 'log')
3.3.4 eval('myfunc("log")')
3.3.5 myfunc.bind('log')
3.3.6, null, ['log'])
3.3.7 none of them

3.4 Which jQuery methods will hide element from page?
3.4.1 $("p").hide();
3.4.2 $("p").toggle();
3.4.3 $("p").disable();
3.4.4 $("p").off();
3.4.5 $("p").fadeOut();
3.4.6 $("p").display(none);
3.4.7 $("p").hidden();
3.4.8 none of them

3.5 Code `return false` from within a jQuery event handler will ...
3.5.1 disable propagation
3.5.2 disable bubbling
3.5.3 disable capturing
3.5.4 disable default event action
3.5.5 return false
3.5.6 none of them

3.6 Look at the following selector: `$("div")`. What does it select?
3.6.1 nothing
3.6.2 all div elements
3.6.3 the first div element
3.6.4 all tags with class `div`
3.6.5 first tags with class `div`
3.6.6 none of them

3.7 What is the correct jQuery code to set the background color of all p elements to red?
3.7.1 $("p").style("background-color","red");
3.7.2 $("p").css("background-color","red");
3.7.3 $("p").manipulate("background-color","red");
3.7.4 $("p").layout("background-color","red");
3.7.5 none of them

3.8 Which jQuery method is used to perform an asynchronous HTTP request?
3.8.1 jQuery.ajaxAsync()
3.8.2 jQuery.ajax()
3.8.3 jQuery.ajaxSetup()
3.8.4 jQuery.get()
3.8.6 jQuery.load()
3.8.7 none of them

3.9 Which statement is true?
3.9.1 To use jQuery, you can refer to a hosted jQuery library at Google
3.9.2 To use jQuery, you do not have to do anything. Most browsers (Internet
Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera) have the jQuery library built in the
3.9.3 To use jQuery, you must buy the jQuery library at
3.9.4 none of them


4.1 What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?
4.1.1 <style src="mystyle.css">
4.1.2 <stylesheet>mystyle.css</stylesheet>
4.1.3 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
4.1.4 none of them

4.2 Which is the correct CSS syntax?
4.2.1 {body;color:black;}
4.2.2 body:color=black;
4.2.3 {body:color=black;}
4.2.4 body: color(#000);
4.2.5 none of them

4.3 How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?
4.3.1 h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF;}
4.3.2 h1.all {background-color:#FFFFFF;}
4.3.3 all.h1 {color:#FFFFFF;}
4.3.4 h1 {bgcolor:#FFFFFF;}
4.3.5 h1 {background: #FFFFFF;}
4.3.6 none of them

4.4 How do you display a border like this: top border - 10 pixels, bottom - 5 pixels, left - 20 pixels, right - 1 pixel?
4.4.1 border-width:10px 5px 20px 1px;
4.4.2 border-width:5px 20px 10px 1px;
4.4.3 border-width:10px 1px 5px 20px;
4.4.4 border-width:10px 20px 5px 1px;
4.4.5 none of them

4.5 How do you select all p elements inside a div element?
4.5.1 div + p
4.5.2 div.p
4.5.3 div > p
4.5.4 div ~ p
4.5.5 div < p
4.5.6 none of them

4.6 What is the value of the position property used to move element around his
original location?

4.6.1 static
4.6.2 relative
4.6.3 absolute
4.6.4 fixed
4.6.5 none of them
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Monday, June 19, 2017

Facebook Advertising Core Competencies - Practice Exam

Facebook Advertising Core Competencies - Practice Exam

Given below are the answer of  Facebook Advertising Core Competencies - Practice Exam

  • 1. A client is about to launch a new gaming app and wants to run a campaign to drive app installs. The client needs to make sure that Facebook delivers the best results for the campaign.

    What is the first step that the client should take before running the campaign?
    1. Install the Facebook pixel on the client's website
    2. Add the Facebook SDK to the client's app
    3. Add the Facebook login to the client's app
    4. Get screen shots of the client's app
  • 2. An advertiser is running a campaign on Facebook and has multiple images to use. The advertiser is aware of the benefits of video. However, the advertiser does NOT have a video asset and needs to create a video from the images they have.

    Where should the advertiser navigate to perform this task?
    1. Ad Set Level
    2. Ad Level
    3. Ad Account Level
    4. Campaign Level
  • 3. An advertiser is creating a campaign and needs to see the potential size of the audience they selected.

    At which level of the campaign creation process should the advertiser be able to see this information?
    1. Campaign Level
    2. Ad Level
    3. Ad Set Level
    4. Ad Account Level
  • 4. A gaming client develops a new mobile app and asks to apply all solutions that will allow the client to grow the user base.

    Game description: upgraded Sudoku game available on iOS and Android
    Target group: Women 25-50, active, who play while traveling or during free time

    Which three solutions should be recommended to the client? (Choose three.)
    1. Target the potential user with a video view campaign and retarget those who have seen the advertisement
    2. Implement Facebook SDK for both Android and iOS to control campaign results
    3. Implement app events to measure lifetime value of users and create custom audiences
    4. Use the mobile app installs objective preferably with carousel format or video to boost the attractiveness of the advertisement
    5. Use the Page post engagement campaign with video to engage with potential users
  • 5. Which two resources should be used specifically when creating ads on Facebook? (Choose two.)
    1. Ads Manager
    2. Power Editor
    3. Facebook for Business
    4. Facebook Help Center
    5. Business Manager
  • 6. A client is running a website clicks campaign through the auction on Facebook and has two ad sets with almost exactly the same target audience.

    Which issue does this create for the advertiser?
    1. The advertiser is unable to change the target audience once the campaign starts.
    2. Each advertisement is able to reach only half the selected audience.
    3. The advertiser is unable to leverage a Website Custom Audience.
    4. The ads compete against each other when the campaign starts.
  • 7. A major bank in the UK is transitioning to a mobile service only. The bank needs to
    drive adoption of its new app among 50% of its existing customer database by the end of
    the year.

    Which Facebook advertising strategy should the bank use to meet these requirements?
    1. Use broad interest targeting with Mobile App Install Ads
    2. Use the most appropriate Partner Category segments for finance with link ads
    3. Use a Custom Audience with Mobile App Install Ads
    4. Use link ads targeted to people within proximity of the brick and mortar banks
  • 8. An agency is working with 10 clients who actively advertise on Facebook. The agency needs to make sure that the right people have the correct access to the client's ad accounts.

    Which tool should the agency leverage to meet this requirement?
    1. Page Dashboard
    2. Audience Manager
    3. Power Editor
    4. Business Manager
  • 9. A brand is selling shoes through a website and needs to track the number of sales that result from someone seeing or clicking on an ad on Facebook.

    What should be implemented to get this information?
    1. Facebook Audience Network
    2. Facebook SDK
    3. Facebook pixel
    4. Facebook Business Manager
  • 10. A large fashion retailer sells its shoes exclusively to women in the UK online. The retailer has been running a Facebook acquisition campaign for the past 6 months. During the past 2 months, the brand's customer sales have decreased. The retailer needs to create a new audience that closely resembles the customers that are already buying from its website.

    Which audience matching tool should the retailer use?
    1. Custom Audience
    2. Saved Audience
    3. Lookalike Audience
    4. App Activity Audience
  • 11. An advertiser recently ran a Website Conversions campaign on Facebook. They implement the Facebook pixel and track the Add to Cart, Initiate Checkout, and Purchase events. After the campaign the advertiser needs to determine their return on ad spend (ROAS).

    Which metric should the advertiser use to determine the ROAS?
    1. Checkouts conversion value
    2. Adds to cart conversion value
    3. Purchase conversion value
    4. Initiate checkout conversion value
  • 12. A retailer is planning a campaign for its new season launch with a 60-second video that features upcoming season trends. The advertiser needs to drive awareness and maximize reach among people ages 18 to 39. The campaign is 4 weeks long with a $150,000 budget.

    Which strategy should be recommended for this campaign?
    1. A reach and frequency buy that optimizes to video views on Facebook and Instagram.
    2. A carousel ad with video via auction buy on Facebook and Instagram.
    3. A link ad with canvas via auction buy that optimizes to video views on Facebook and Instagram.
    4. Link ads with video via auction buy on Facebook and Instagram.
  • 13. Within the Facebook campaign structure, what can be controlled at the ad level?
    1. Budget
    2. Target audience
    3. Ad placement
    4. Ad creative
  • 14. An agency has a new client. The client wants to use their own ad account but needs to give access to the agency.

    Which tool should the client use?
    1. Business Manager
    2. Power Editor
    3. Ads Manager
    4. Page Settings
  • 15. A brand wants to leverage its sponsorship of a major league baseball team that has reached the playoffs. The brand has shifted its TV budget and needs to achieve mass reach on this key date.

    Using the Facebook family of apps, which recommendation should be provided to this brand to achieve this goal?
    1. Run a reach and frequency campaign to a broad target audience
    2. Use Facebook video with custom audiences to reach existing customers
    3. Use Facebook core targeting to run ads to people who support the team that the brand sponsors
    4. Use oCPM bidding to target the core audience and optimize for reach
  • 16. When creating a campaign in Power Editor, what action must be taken first?
    1. Set a lifetime budget
    2. Choose an objective
    3. Set a daily budget
    4. Select the target audience
  • 17. An advertiser needs to run ads with the Brand Awareness objective.

    At which level can the advertiser set this?
    1. Account Level
    2. Campaign Level
    3. Ad Set Level
    4. Ad Level
  • 18. An advertiser has five different images to run a carousel ad unit. The correct objective has been chosen.

    At which level should the advertiser create the carousel ad unit?
    1. Campaign Level
    2. Ad Set Level
    3. Ad Level
    4. Ad Account Level
  • 19. A start up brand offers premium cosmetics. The organic products are NOT tested on animals and have been proven to improve skin health. The customer has a small, growing, and very loyal customer base. The brand also has an internal creative team that specializes in video.

    The brand has two key objectives:

    1. Continue to build brand awareness across the Facebook family of apps and services
    2. Make sales via its ecommerce store

    Which strategy should be used to meet these two objectives?
    1. Use video ads across both Instagram and Facebook with the brand awareness objective and retarget using Dynamic Ads
    2. Use Facebook custom audiences to target customers with video ads on Instagram
    3. Run video ads on Instagram with a call to action and custom audiences to target people who have visited the website
    4. Use Dynamic Ads to retarget people who have put items in a basket but did not purchase online
 Here is my Facebook Advertising Core Competencies - Practice Exam Result.

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Facebook Certified Planning Professional Exam Solution

Facebook Certified Planning Professional Exam Solution 

Given below are the question & answer of Facebook Certified Planning Professional Exam:

  • 1. An advertiser is launching a large brand campaign for 4 weeks on Instagram and Facebook. The KPIs are ad recall and campaign awareness. Minimum audience has been reached.

    What is the optimal measurement study to measure these KPIs?
    1. Nielsen DAR
    2. TRP Measurement
    3. Engagement rates
    4. Brand lift study
  • 2. A fashion ecommerce advertiser used Dynamic Ads to retarget people who visited their website in the past 30 days. Their website has 5000 different kinds of products, including women's clothing, men's clothing, shoes, and accessories. The advertiser uploaded all of the products into the product feed and created a product set that contained every product. The campaign started 3 weeks ago. CPA has been increasing since then.

    Which three actions could the advertiser now take to optimize the performance of their campaign? (Choose three.)
    1. Exclude website visitors who have made a purchase in the past 30 days
    2. Create a new ad set with the same product set and target people who added items to their cart in the past 30 days
    3. Upload a new product feed with fewer products
    4. Create new ad sets with product sets based on different product categories
    5. Decrease the budget for this DPA campaign and create new campaigns targeting website visitors in the past 30 days
  • 3. A children's fashion brand has more than 100 outlets in the UK. The brand is running a Facebook campaign for its mid-year sales. The brand runs three ad sets in parallel to reach different audience groups:

    1. Parents with children ages 12 or younger
    2. People with affiliation to fashion brands
    3. The brand's VIP members who purchased over $1000 in the past year

    Which three targeting methods is the brand using in this campaign? (Choose three.)
    1. Demographic targeting
    2. Interest targeting
    3. Custom Audience targeting
    4. Lookalike Audience targeting
    5. Location targeting
  • 4. A CPG brand sells personal care products and plans to launch a new product across devices and mediums in the market. For its post-campaign review, the brand wants to learn how this new product has created the awareness within the target audience, if the target audience can recall the campaign message afterwards, and whether or not the target audience likes this new product.

    Which two measurements help the brand measure its business objectives? (Choose two.)
    1. Facebook brand lift polling
    2. Millward Brown cross-media study
    3. Online conversion lift study
    4. Nielsen BrandEffect study
    5. Cross-device measurement
  • 5. A water purifier brand wants to use Facebook to identify new customers. The advertiser is NOT yet well known in the market due to distribution issues. Existing customers are generally very satisfied and loyal to the brand.

    What kind of targeting strategy should the advertiser use?
    1. Use a demographic and interest targeting to get the largest audience on Facebook
    2. Create a Lookalike Audience from the existing database and use it for targeting
    3. Open the targeting as broad as possible but make sure that the creatives clearly state the limited distribution
    4. Create an audience base using retargeting from the video audience
  • 6. A Korean mobile app game brand has expanded to the US. The brand needs to launch a Facebook campaign. The campaign marketer knows the following:

    - Objective: drive app installs and acquire new users
    - Target: 18-35 Android users living in the US
    - Facebook SDK: implemented (No app event has been implemented yet.)
    - Average CPI for game apps in the US: $6
    - Average lifetime value of a user: $11

    The marketer ran a test campaign for mobile app installs on Facebook and acquired the following information:

    - Average CPM: $13
    - Impression to click conversion rate: 5%
    - Click to app install conversion rate: 15%

    The marketer is aiming for 250% ROAS and wants to acquire at least 9,000 new users.

    How much budget should the marketer allocate on app install campaigns on Facebook?
    1. $99,000
    2. $54,000
    3. $39,600
    4. $15,600
  • 7. A client sells shoes on an ecommerce website. The client needs to maximize the number of sales on the website and the return on ad investment. The client is launching its first Facebook campaign. The client has implemented the Facebook pixel on the website and added the conversion value as a parameter.

    Which campaign metrics should be focused on?
    1. Website clicks, relevance score, Page likes
    2. Website conversions, cost per conversion, ROAS
    3. Website clicks, cost per conversion, CTR
    4. Website conversions, ROAS, relevance score
  • 8. An ecommerce advertiser has the following results:

    - Lifetime value of an acquired user is $10
    - Cost of doing business is $1
    - Desired profit per user is $2

    What is the advertiser's true bid on a cost per acquisition campaign?
    1. $11
    2. $9
    3. $8
    4. $7
  • 9. A food delivery retailer is very successful in its home country and plans to expand to more markets. The retailer started with taking delivery orders online. Facebook has been a successful marketing platform for the retailer with a website conversions campaign to acquire online orders. Recently the company has developed a mobile app that allows customers to order from their phones. Feedback on the new app is very positive because customers have a better mobile experience ordering and paying in the app. The retailer finds out that target audiences in the new markets are more likely to purchase on mobile.

    What should be the primary goal for this brand to promote its business in the new markets?
    1. Promote brand awareness by attracting website orders from new markets
    2. Promote online sales by attracting more website orders from new markets
    3. Promote brand awareness by driving mobile app downloads from the new markets
    4. Promote online sales by driving mobile app downloads in the new markets
  • 10. A travel portal site advertiser wants to know their customers to improve their marketing strategies. The advertiser does NOT have customer information except for cookies, name, email address, and phone number.

    Which two pieces of audience information are available within the Audience Insights tool? (Choose two.)
    1. Devices used
    2. Demographic
    3. Dwell time of their website
    4. Average basket size
    5. Top last visited locations
  • 11. A cosmetics advertiser is planning a campaign in the US for its newly launched lipstick in the market and needs brand metrics to measure campaign effectiveness.

    - Spending is $150,000.
    - The campaign length will be about 2 weeks.
    - The estimated impressions will be about 16M.
    - The target audience size is 4.8M people.
    - The campaign will be running on both Facebook and Instagram.
    - The creative assets will be mixed with images and videos.

    The advertiser needs to meet the minimum requirements for a BrandEffect measurement study.

    Which adjustment should be made to meet these minimum requirements?
    1. Remove Instagram
    2. Reduce the impressions to 10M
    3. Extend campaign length to more than 4 weeks
    4. Remove images and focus on video assets only
The correct answer was Extend campaign length to more than 4 weeks.
  • 12. A mobile app brand decides to run a mobile app install campaign on Facebook. However, an app installation has NOT occurred for more than 3 days.

    Which feature is likely set up incorrectly?
    1. Facebook SDK
    2. Facebook pixel
    3. App events
    4. Standard events
Given below is my result of Facebook Certified Planning Professional Exam.
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